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Common Questions

How to get the ID of a role/channel/category/guild?

Open the User Settings in your discord client then click on Advanced and enable Developer Mode.
Developer Mode Setting

Getting the IDs:

  • For a role: open the server settings, click the Roles tab, right click on the role and click the Copy Role ID button.
  • For a channel: right click the channel and click the Copy Channel ID button.
  • For a category: right click the category and click the Copy Channel ID button.
  • For a guild: right click the server and click the Copy Server ID button.

How to properly add IDs in the config file?

Some default options that use IDs have an empty array [], which indicates support for more than one ID.
To properly add IDs to it, you should use this format: configOption: ["ID", "ID", "ID"]

  1. support_role_ids: ["000000000000000000"]
  2. support_role_ids: ["000000000000000000", "111111111111111111"]

How to use custom emojis in the config file?

To use custom emojis for buttons or select menus, you need to use the following format:

emoji: "<:emojiName:ID>"


emoji: "<:test:0000000000000000000>"